Together Project
Photo: Sarah Bodri


Newcomers and volunteers working together to build more welcoming communities.

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Announcing Our Newest Program: Welcome Groups for Newcomer Youth!

Through the support of TELUS Friendly Future Foundation, Together Project is proud to announce that we’ll be able to reach more refugee newcomer youth in Toronto, Mississauga, Ottawa, and Surrey, BC.

And to help these youth arriving to their new communities, we’re seeking more youth to volunteer with us!

Learn more about our Welcome Group Program by checking out our interviews with university students Ida, a current volunteer, and Aya, an immigrant youth!

Check out the video here!

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Aya Explains the Welcome Group Program

Aya moved to Canada from China where she was a refugee after the Syrian war started. She’s a student advocate, speaker, artist, and a past refugee newcomer participant in our Welcome Group Program. Together Project matched her with a group of young women who helped her based on the priorities that she wanted to focus on.

Check out her video here!

BAM Event: Bridging the Gap Between Newcomers, Refugees, and Indigenous People

Together Project was proud to support BAM Collective’s “Bridging the Gap Between Newcomers, Refugees, and Indigenous People” event. From the performances to the teachings to the speakers, it was a wonderful day for newcomers, refugees, Indigenous leaders, and community partners to come together!

To watch our video of the day, click here!

Pathways to Prosperity: Together Project Presentation on Remote Social Support for GARs and Refugee Claimants

Interested in learning about how Together Project adapted its in-person Welcome Group Program for online delivery?

This Pathways to Prosperity presentation explains how Government-Assisted Refugees and refugee claimants have been connecting with volunteers virtually at Together Project.

To watch this webinar, click here!

2022 Impact Report

In this year-end report, we are excited to share a snapshot of the work that we have accomplished in 2022. Thank you to our program participants, partners and supporters for helping us build more welcoming communities; we can’t do our work without you! We look forward to working with you to grow our impact in the year to come.

To download our 2022 Impact Report, please click here.

Interview with TD Welcome Group Volunteer Jas Bassi

When Jas Bassi joined TD Bank Group (TD) in 2020, she began her career in consumer protection. While she helped people during her day job, she felt inspired to help others outside of work, too. 

She was excited to find out about the TD Ready Commitment,  the Bank’s corporate citizenship platform, and the opportunities it offers for colleagues to volunteer with local community organizations.

“Working at TD can be really rewarding, and I love that TD supports so many initiatives that colleagues can get involved with and give back to the communities where we work,” she said. 

When her manager forwarded her an opportunity about Together Project, a MakeWay charitable initiative, Jas saw that this was a perfect opportunity to honour the people who had helped her own father forty years ago.

Read more here!

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