Together Project



Thanks for your interest in volunteering with Together Project!

At Together Project, Welcome Group volunteers provide refugee newcomers with six months of social and integration support.

We match our volunteers with refugee newcomers based on shared interests, newcomer needs, and volunteers’ experience and skills.

We’re currently seeking Welcome Group volunteers to provide social support for refugee newcomers in Toronto, Mississauga, and Ottawa.

There are three ways to start volunteering with Together Project: as a Welcome Group of 3-5 people, as an individual to be placed into a Welcome Group, and as a Cultural Ambassador.

Welcome Groups

Together Project’s Welcome Group Program matches groups of 3-5 people with recently-arrived refugees. We train our Welcome Group volunteers and provide resources for them to effectively support refugee newcomers.

The fastest way to get started is to form a Welcome Group with coworkers, friends, or family members.

Individual Volunteers

When you sign up as an individual volunteer, we can connect you with other volunteers to form a Welcome Group. Please bear in mind that this does take more time as we carefully select volunteers based on skills and newcomer priorities.

We are currently delivering our Welcome Group Program in Toronto, Mississauga, and Ottawa.

Cultural Ambassadors

Matches involving low English language levels are assigned a volunteer interpreter called a Cultural Ambassador to help bridge the linguistic and cultural gap between the newcomers and their Welcome Group.

Cultural Ambassadors are assigned a maximum of three matches each, and are expected to translate via WhatsApp on a daily basis and be available for in-person interpretation at least once a month for matches that are occasionally meeting in person.