A shared sense of belonging.
Founded in 2016, Together Project started in Toronto in response to the large number of newcomer arrivals from Syria. Today, Together Project matches groups of volunteers in Toronto, Mississauga, and Ottawa with refugee newcomers from over 25 different countries for social and integration support. Together Project is a charitable initiative on the MakeWay shared platform.
Anna is Together Project’s Co-Founder and Co-Director, Management Lead. With her expertise in strategy, partnerships, resource development, governance and communications, Anna focuses on scaling out the Welcome Group Program. Working closely with her Co-Director, Anna has helped refine the program to better serve government-assisted refugees, CUAET Ukrainian Arrivals and refugee claimants. Post pandemic, Anna has supported the development of a new model of hybrid social support that includes both online and in-person volunteer engagement.
Andrew is the Co-Founder and Co-Director, Programs Lead at Together Project, responsible for designing and delivering the initiative’s Welcome Group Program, as well as building strong, cross-sectoral partnerships that have allowed for the program’s establishment and growth in multiple cities across Canada. He also leads Together Project’s impact measurement and works with research partners to share insights about community engagement in refugee integration with policymakers and practitioners. Andrew has over 15 years of experience working on community development, sustainability, and social impact projects across Africa, Europe, and North America, often at the intersection of the nonprofit, private, and public sectors.
Ahmed is the Ontario Programs Lead at Together Project, but before he became an official part of the team, he successfully completed two matches as a Welcome Group volunteer. With his professional background in business development and operations and his personal background as a refugee and newcomer, Ahmed has the compassion and vision to help the Together Project team manage multiple relationships with volunteers, refugees, and stakeholders. His past work is full of successful collaborations with global names in technology, and he brings his expertise to expand the reach and operations of Together Project.
Jennilee is the Communications and Programs Outreach Specialist at Together Project. She has worked with newcomers as a school settlement worker, journalist, community advocate, school board researcher, federal public servant, and as the founder of Filipino Talks, an initiative that builds bridges between Filipino families and Canadian school boards. She has an MA in Immigration and Settlement Studies, a BA in International Studies, and a post-graduate certificate from the Humber School for Writers. She is the author of Reuniting with Strangers— a novel about caregivers and family reunification across the Filipino-Canadian diaspora. Jennilee believes in the power of stories to increase civic engagement, to shine a spotlight on communities, and to capture moments of joy.
Leith Bishop is a former executive in the not-for-profit sector in Toronto. She has expertise in strategic operations and organizational design. Her professional specialty is around issues of inclusion and belonging. Together Project’s commitment to a new model of connecting newcomers and volunteers to accelerate integration attracted Leith to the organization right from its early days. She was invited to join the Steering Committee in September 2019, and to become Steering Committee Chair in January 2021.
As a former refugee, Mohammed was among the Ethiopian-Canadian leaders who opened Canada’s first dedicated Harari heritage and community space in what is now the Harari Heritage Centre. He has been a Welcome Group volunteer since 2016, making him one of Together Project’s longest-serving volunteers. As someone who has been helping to deliver and improve the Welcome Group Program over many years, Mohammed is bringing an array of volunteer expertise, community leadership, and a global vision for Together Project.
Hani Bashir’s experiences as a healthcare provider and a refugee form the cornerstone of his advocacy for equitable access to quality healthcare services. As a medical doctor and senior strategist in the medical and public health fields, Hani has particularly focused on child and women’s health. Along with participating in humanitarian relief efforts during conflicts, disasters, and emergencies, Hani has undertaken national and international missions with Doctors Without Borders, served as a program manager for Africa with NeedsList, a tech enterprise focused on community resilience, and co-founded the Immigrants Healthcare Support Network (IHSN), Through Our Eyes, and LinkU Corporation. Concurrently, he is a senior strategist with Uplift Agency, a sustainability, social impact & ESG consulting firm, and practices as a doctor at Health Service Executive (HSE) Ireland. With his diverse background in medicine, humanitarian response, and advocacy for refugee human rights, Hani Bashir brings his goals of fostering social connections, supporting integration priorities, and enhancing community involvement to Together Project.
Farah Kurji is TD Senior Manager Social Impact. She joined TD in 2017 as part of the launch of the TD Ready Commitment, which links the bank’s business, philanthropy and human capital to create social and environmental impact. Prior to TD, Farah worked with Hill+Knowlton Strategies in New York, advising organizations on how to embed and drive social impact. Farah’s time working with Roshan, an Afghanistan-based social enterprise, was a formative experience, teaching her how to build partnerships and bring teams together in the face of ambiguity. Her family’s first-hand experience with settlement and community volunteering, as well as her own experiences working in post-conflict and emerging contexts have fueled her interest in supporting newcomer communities in Canada. As a lifelong volunteer, Farah has worked with several non-profit organizations, including the LEADER Project, the First Micro-Finance Bank, the GSMA’s mWomen programme, FOCUS Humanitarian Agency and the Aga Khan Council for Canada. Farah holds an MBA from the Ivey Business School.
Hanen Nanaa is one of Canada’s youngest social entrepreneurs. As a war survivor and Syrian refugee who settled in Toronto in 2016, Nanaa established the Books Art Music (BAM) Collective, a community hub empowering youth and equity-deserving people through policy, art, innovation, and community engagement. BAM was a finalist for the 2021 Toronto Arts for Youth Award. With her dedication to bridging gender gaps and amplifying political impact for youth and women, Hanen is a regional advisor for the Minister’s Regional Office – Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and she has also served as a regional advisor for the caucus at the House of Commons. Nanaa’s influence extends internationally, co-founding a study on forced marriages in displaced Syrian communities, which she presented at the 66th Commission on the Status of Women’s NGO forum in New York. She is a founding member of Waard Ward Collective– a social enterprise that builds community gardens and encourages newcomer interest in floristry and entrepreneurship. She graduated from the International School of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies at Oxford University and from Toronto Metropolitan University, where she studied politics and governance with a minor in law. Nanaa has received the Pam McConnell Award for Young Women in Leadership, the Alterna Prize for Women’s Social Leaders, was named the 2019 UN Women – Woman of the Year at University of Toronto, and was featured on CBC’s The Dream Team in 2021. In 2023, she was named one of the Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awardees, and received the youth award for her exceptional accomplishments.
Shadi joined Together Project’s Steering Committee due to the increasing need of refugees and newcomers to integrate in society and get the necessary support. Shadi brings a wide range of expertise in education, training and professional development, meaningful community engagement, volunteer management and events planning; in addition to his experience in settlement and supporting refugees and newcomers through counselling and mediation.
Alex, a newcomer to Canada, brings strong financial experience and a commitment to creating a welcoming community for refugees. Having previously been a newcomer in both the UK and the US, she understands the challenges of integrating into a new country, which fuels her passion for making a difference through Together Project. Professionally, Alex works in strategy and partnerships at Worldpay and was previously a Senior Manager at Bain and Company in their Financial Services practice. She brings a wide range of financial and strategy expertise to Together Project.
Together Project is grateful for the support of the following founding donors, funding partners and program partners.
CBC Metro Morning: This is Toronto
CBC Podcasts, 02/05/2025
Why Matching Matters: Improving Outcomes in Refugee Sponsorship and Complementary Pathways By Craig Damian Smith and Emma Ugolini
Migration Policy Institute, 12/18/2023
Promising Practices: Together Project – Remote Social Support for GARs and Refugee Claimants
Pathways to Prosperity, 07/09/2021
Building Welcoming Community: An update from our friends at Together Project
Social Impact Advisors, 07/08/2021
From Aleppo to Mississauga: How one Syrian refugee family’s journey ended with newfound hope and community in Canada
TD Stories, 02/01/2021
‘It’s so real! …it’s phenomenal!’: Ugandan refugee and local volunteer meet in person for first time
CBC Metro Morning, 11/16/2020
“It was the most painful situation I was in, in my life:” Ugandan refugee talks about surviving COVID-19, and establishing a new life
CBC Metro Morning, 11/16/2020
Want to give back while social distancing? Here are 4 ways to volunteer from home
CBC Life, 05/29/2020
How to Harness Online Volunteering To Provide Social Support for Vulnerable Newcomers
TechSoup Canada, 05/29/2020
‘I’m not scared of the virus’: He survived war in Syria. Now this refugee worries about keeping up with English lessons
Toronto Star, 03/26/2020
Torontonians Gather with Barenaked Ladies to Embrace Refugees
Toronto Observer, 11/27/2019
Refugee Matching Program Celebrates 100 Matches
CBC Metro Morning, 01/02/2019
CBC Interview With Alkhouly Family And Their Welcome Group
CBC Player , 01/01/2019
From Friends To Family: Together Project Matches Newcomers With Local Families
CBC News , 12/31/2018
Helping Government-Assisted Refugees
CBC Metro Morning, 12/19/2017
Refugee Welcome Program Plans Thunder Bay Expansion
CBC News, Thunder Bay, 10/11/2017
Together Project Matches Government-Assisted Refugees With Canadian Volunteers
CBC News, London, 10/09/2017
Together Project Helps Government-Assisted Refugees Find Support and Friendship
Tides Canada 2016 Year in Review, 09/28/2017
Together Project
We Day Family - Toronto, 09/28/2017
Overwhelming Number of Volunteers Wanted to Help Syrian Refugees
CBC Radio International, 07/09/2017
Settlement Agencies Unprepared for Volunteer Surge Amid Refugee Crisis: Report
The Globe and Mail, 04/09/2017
Private Sponsorship is not Panacea for Refugee Integration
The New Humanitarian, 04/04/2017
Refugee Lay Down New Roots at First-Time Visit to Toronto’s High Park
CBC News, 03/20/2017
Refugees in Canada Going Curling for the First Time
BuzzFeed, 03/16/2017
Canadian Refugees Learn to Curl
Reuters, 03/15/2017
“Welcome to Canada”
The Globe and Mail, 03/15/2017
Syrian Refugees: One Year Later
The Agenda with Steve Paikin, 12/20/2016
Taking Refuge in Toronto
Toronto Life, 12/20/2016
Together Project Plays Matchmaker for Government-Assisted Refugees
Toronto Star, 11/23/2016
Government-Assisted Refugees Partner up with Canadians Thanks to Together Project
Metro Toronto, 11/16/2016
Volunteer Letter of Understanding
Together Project is a charitable initiative of MakeWay. For more information about MakeWay’s policies, please click here.
Email: hello@togetherproject.ca
Centre for Social Innovation, 720 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R4